Continuum Innovation

Continuum Innovation

Credits: Music composition and mix for the featured marketing materials.

Applying three decades of experience, we use detailed ethnographic, physiological, and psychological research to define the product strategy that maximizes value for a specific group of consumers. Then, working with R&D, engineering, and external suppliers, we design within tight technical and cost constraints to deliver that value proposition. The delivery and implementation of these results are as considered as the planning and creation of each project we work on.


The Making of Fisher-Price’s The Future of Parenting

When asked by Fisher-Price to envision the future of parenting, Continuum analyzed trends, connected with subject-matter experts, and employed a backcasting model to design future-state products and experiences to empower parents to raise happy, healthy families.



Looking Beyond Segments

Anthony Pannozzo, SVP, Experience and Service Design at Continuum, explains why analyzing customer behavior modalities—rather than segments—is more valuable for customer-centric organizations.


Designing for the Frontline Employee

Toby Bottorf, VP, Service & Experience Design at Continuum, explains how smart service design looks holistically and both customer and employee experiences.